Friday, May 15, 2009

Wolfram Alpha destroys 23andMe's Strategic Advantage?

One of the good things that I thought existed with 23andMe is that they have a nice agnostic platform which aggregates information on certain SNPs, similar but not the same as SNPedia........Let's face it, any knuckle head can do the social networking. But the hard work was the data aggregation......

Either way, what I like about SNPedia and Prometheus is it is sort of free......

You do have to dump some data into it......As opposed to paying 399 USD to have access to it and your Million SNPs.
But now I have seen the death of these sorts of company models......

Really? How?

Something called Wolfram Alpha....

You can watch the screencast into as well....Very simple, semantic web stuff.

But what is amazing is the possibility of "Wolframming" a Gene or a lab test or a SNP......

What was cool about 23andMe is that you can get the studies of each SNP.....but in this case imagine, getting the SNP, all the studies and perhaps some links to commentary regarding this.

Wolfram Alpha will be able to do this. Why? EnSembl, PubMed, et cetera.....

So what was a cool database that a company may have built will become nothing compared to what is already in the public knowledge base from the government. This is the Killer App for a whole host of businesses........Including Bloomberg Terminals.........

This system is very scary.......and very exciting all at once.....

The Sherpa Says: Personalized Medicine just got more personal with the potential of using Wolfram Alpha to run a Reynolds Risk and tell you how your diet can improve your risk.......

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Looks like acute BIZDEV! poisoning. Solve two equations before bed and limit Twitter intake.