Saturday, June 30, 2007

WBUR posts on coumadin and Personalized Medicine!

Despite the heavy Boston accent,

On WBUR Carol's worries regarding Coumadin and Personalized Medicine hit home to millions of patients everywhere. This is an excellent example of the press' coverage of my specialty. Dr Sam Goldhaber a physician at Mass General talks about the promise of pharmacogenomic testing in blood thinning and avoidance of its horrible side effects.

Lastly they interview the Pope of Personalized Medicine

Francis says "Is this the scenario we want personalized medicine to enter?"
"The public thinks that this is snake oil (i.e. Direct to consumer testing and nutrigenomics)"

In addition Dr Collins talks again about the 2 Betty's and the potential to miss diagnose and have horrific outcomes.

The Sherpa Says: "Save Betty!!!" We must take the time to educate everyone about the promise and pitfalls of personalized medicine. In My Humble Opinion, the only thing to move physcians will be the slew of lawsuits that happen after we publicize our great outcomes at Helix Health of Connecticut.


Berci Meskó said...

Steven, the 2Betty's link is broken...

Steve Murphy MD said...

Consider it fixed. Thanks for the heads up.