Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Priority=Public Enemy?

I hope all of my readers get the GenomeWeb Daily News.

Today the headline read.....

This meeting is currently underway.....the webcast is live here!

Here are some snippets from the report....in case you are an infovore and got bored by the text (HT Daniel)

A US Department of Health and Human Services committee plans to vote in December on the recommendations it will supply HHS Secretary Michael Leavitt concerning the state of genomics in the US, particularly concerning consumer genetic testing and pharmacogenomics.

Paul Wise, who chairs the Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Genetics, Health, and Society’s Priority Setting Task Force, told members of the committee in Washington, DC, today that the group will likely focus on standards to monitor direct-to-consumer genetic testing



The specific clusters the task force will look into in the coming months include

  • the need to develop more evidence for personalized medicine;

  • training and education of health professionals in genetics and genomics;

  • evidence-based guidelines for genetic technologies;

  • coverage and reimbursement for genetic services;

  • Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement for DNA tests

  • genetics and health disparities among minorities.

This all spells disaster for DTC tests that costs as much as a night at the Burj Al Arab, especially those with little evidence (where the paper count is n=1.5)

The three words that jump out at me.....evidence, evidence and educate.......maybe there's something to that...

The Sherpa Says:

If you think the US is bad....did you hear about the UK's governmental push to shut DTC genetic testing down??? It is going to be a long road here.....all because of a few bad apples....and a few people looking to practice medicine without a license....Most of these companies have great people working for them or with them. They could do very well in this regulated environment.........the companies just need a little redirection, that's all..

1 comment:

Andrew said...

This is a bit off-topic, but what about DTC genetics in non-western nations? I'm reminded of the excellent cellular infrastructures outside the US.