Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Hooray for Francis!!!!

I am so glad that the United States has decided to award Francis Collins with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. It is about time we pick up the pieces from Watson :(

On another note, has anyone noticed how expensive it is to subscribe to all these wonderful journals? I read voraciously and am thankful for my institutional subscriptions. But what if you had to pay for your information? An example is the excellent Journal Pharmacogenomics. Bundled with Personalized Medicine(Its sister journal) you end up paying 1595 USD. This is the same for many journals out there. I only pick on these journals because I deem them mandatory subscriptions for the future of quality medical care.

I would like to congratulate Dr Robison over at Omics Omics who has made it to the one year landmark with his blog. If you do not know who he is, you should. His blog is a daily read of mine and I love to listen to him discuss current topics. One of my favorite posts illustrates the power of personal genomics. Congrats Keith, Here's to another wonderful year....or ten :)
There is a neat site which I have discovered, despite not being from Chicago. The site is from the Chicago Public Radio and is called "The DNA Files" Recently they have been featuring me on their site as a "File" I would like to thank CPR (cute acronym). Everyone should take the time to look at this site. It has some very useful links, I happen to like the link to Dr Kittles work on the genetics of prostate cancer. Something near and dear to my heart...

Lastly, I would like to invite you all to review/comment/copy on Helix Health of Connecticut's new shiny website at www.helixhealthofconnecticut.org/index.htm

1 comment:

ramunas said...

Excellent site, Steven!