Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Rumors of My Death........

You know how the rest of the story goes.

Frankly, I have been running flat out for the last 6 months. I have been working with some amazing computer scientists, lab specialists, geneticists and physicians putting together some "side projects" while seeing patients on a daily basis for "Personalized Medicine"

The practice is busting at the seams and we are pretty excited about the next few phases of growth.

I want to share with you some news.

1. Yes we have iPads and are using them for rounds, patient registration and education. Soon we will have our own private apps too.

2. Out of the bundles of CYP 2C19 patients we have been testing we have changed more patients to Effient than I can count. Saving lives along the way.....

3. Yes, the rumors are true, I will be speaking at The Consumer Genetics Conference in June! Along with pound for pound the best MD CEO around Brandon Colby, who must be coming out of stealth!

I will post more soon, but rest assured, I have a huge team climbing the mountain with me.

What did I do? Well, I didn't get them drunk at open bars. Nor did I woo them with money.

I did the heavy lifting that it takes to put "Theory" into practice. If you want to see how, stop by
Greenwich or Stamford.......or better yet, make an appointment 9hh@hhdocs.com

The Sherpa Says: Stay tuned

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